As promised, I am posting the Games Day Chicago pieces of Jeremie Bonamant Teboul and Mathieu Fontaine. You will find new sections in my Friends Galleries for each of these painters with a selection of work from each of them (lots from Mathieu - thanks for letting me post some of your pics man!)
Mathieu is a member of the incredible Team Montreal and I actually met him for the first time several years ago at Conflict Montreal where I was judging the Warpstone miniature painting competition.
The difference in his work from when I first met him to now is astounding! When I first saw his work there was no doubt that he had talent - but there was no way to predict he would become the painting monster he is today! I have enormous respect for Mathieu's work and use him often as an example for painters who are looking to develop their craft and take those all important next steps of committment, practice and planning that it takes to be a truly skilled and competitive painter.
Here are some shots of Mathieu's work from Games Day Chicago DONT FORGET: LOTS MORE (including some WIP shots!!!!!!) IN THE GALLERIES:

I first met Jeremie a couple of years ago when he showed up at Games Day Toronto (where he won the slayer sword for his incredible Ogre Mercenary) as a guest of Team Montreal. I am glad to have had the oportunity to spend a bit more time with him and get to know him a little more this year in Chiacgo. He is a real gent - super nice, happy to share and discuss and really suprisingly humble considering the talent and influence that he posesses. He is currently working on developing a line of miniatures that are looking amazing! I look forward to painting some in the future (as you can see Mathieu is doing on his Blog). Jeremie has also invited me (and several other Team North America Painters) to join with painters from around the globe to be a part of a VERY special project. I will post more of my small part in this over the upcoming weeks.
Here are a few shots of Jeremie's Eldar Harlequin from Chicago. Unfortunately I didnt get any good pics of his Arwen model which you can see here in the coverage, but i Did get some shots of one of my favorite pieces he did a few years ago as well as some shots of models from his own new line of figures. Again LOTS MORE IN THE GALLERIES
I hope you enjoy!

The Rest of My Games Day Chicago Shots - Tables - Models, People, Awards and General Coolness!
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