Saturday, December 29, 2007

More Vampiric goodness…

Howdy folks - progress on my house continues but lack of a workroom is really holding back my ability to make real advances on my new golden demon work, or pretty much any miniature work. Ah well.

Aside from that things are good and the "Bun in the oven" is coming along nicely.

 I also have a few more Vampire Counts previews for you this week. I have to say this is the first time I have really been this interested in the VC range. I REALLY like several of the new models. Anyway I hope you enjoy and will tune in next week. I wont say what Ill be posting but I have a feeling it is something my readers have been waiting for.....


 wolves.JPG  wights.JPG  ghouls.JPG

standardbearer.jpg  musiker.jpg  kastellan.jpg



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