Yeah I drifted away from updating again but It is only because I have been so busy painting and building. Soon I will show you my newest miniatures, but not all of my painting has been figure based....
In my house as a kid the one thing that pre-empted Church on Sundays was car shows. I grew up all around kustom car kulture and developed a great love of flame paintjobs, pinstriping and modification (explains some of my love of converting miniatures eh?)
Recently a few opportunities came my way. The first was a charity event where area artists were given wooden birdhouses to decorate and then have auctioned off. I have always enjoyed these monoform art projects (where every artist has the same form to work with but puts their own spin on it - check out things like the Munny or my current favorite the Vader Project for examples of this type of art show!)
So with that as my task and a limited time frame to work in I created this:

I did lapping flames inside of traditional hotrod flames - similar to those I did for my son's wagon last year.
This year instead of green flames I chose to work in transparent reds mixed with diox purple to layer up the design. A couple of coats of Minwax polyshades Antique Walnut that I had left over from dipping some old minis for a demo set and it was done. The birdhouse ended up going for a reasonable sum and was sold to the person who had convened and organized the show! That was pretty cool.

This leads me to the next project that took a bunch of time but was a great deal of fun. My buddy Jeffy is building a "Rat Rod" style truck. As he heard that I had been learning a bit about automotive pinstriping and knew of my love of cars our talks turned towards me doing some of the fun details and designs for his rod. Being that it was a rat rod really did give me some added confidence as mistakes could be more easily dealt with or camoflauged and so I agreed.

The goal was to make the graphics match the roughness of the door (and the truck). He provided me with general examples of the imagery and text he wanted and it was up to me to make them look as if they had been on the truck for years and just touched up with the striping for contrast. I actually used a salt mask (search up my articles on Dragomir and you will see this technique used on 40k vehicles) in conjunction with the stencils and abrasion. For a miniature painting technique, it worked as well as I had hoped in 1:1 scale!

Below you can see it with the striping started.

Well I have one more non miniature project to post about and then we will be back to my latest minis. This time it is my Bloodbowl team which I have been racing to finish in time for the Lakeside Cup - My very first NAF event!!! I will post all the pics of the team and the event over the next few weeks. WISH ME LUCK!
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