Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter from LITW

A quick happy Easter wish from me here at Lost In the Warp! I just had a blast hunting eggs with my 3 year old and am having a lovely day. I hope you are too.

On the gaming front, my Durgen Madhammer arrived and I threw down for a 15 point game with my buddy Erik. He had stryker and a solo and 3 jacks. I had thor, durgen rockram, basher, gunbunny and reinholdt and  played super aggressive and ended up losing. Even though I lost i got a bit of a feel for Durgen and realised just how awesome reinholdt can be (double shooting casecracker really messed up one of his light jacks in a hurry!)

Good times all around.
Check back thursday for an update on the painting of my rhulic force!

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