How the heck did I get here!?!!?! :)
200 posts and nearly 275 thousand views later and still going strong! Thankyou to everyone who has supported LITW and my hobby aspirations over the past few years. In particular I want to thank my beautiful wife Lisa who has always been my biggest fan even when she doesnt understand what it is I am doing ;)
Ok for starters this isnt a costume contest, and second - that is the WORST PARTY HAT EVER! |
How the heck did I get here!?!!?! :)
200 posts and nearly 275 thousand views later and still going strong! Thankyou to everyone who has supported LITW and my hobby aspirations over the past few years. In particular I want to thank my beautiful wife Lisa who has always been my biggest fan even when she doesnt understand what it is I am doing ;)
I would also like to thank my friend Erik "Swordwind" Hildebrandt. He has been my partner in creating The Lost Games Club, The Lost forums (, and running well over 100 events (HOLY GEEZ!). I wanted to call him my side kick but he has done more work than me for the club over the past couple years.... So I guess he is kind of Nightwing to my Batman... Not as cool but a hero in his own right!
Final personal shout out goes to my friend, webmaster and graphic designer extraordinaire Stefan Grambart (of GoneTo Ground fame amongst other projects). Without Stefan I dont think I could have made any of this work. Thanks Buddy!
So how do I say thanks? Well one thing I can do is dig into my own, and rather extensive, personal collection of limited edition figures and offer my readers new or old a chance to win their choice of them. Something cool from me to you.
A) Follow me
B) Reply to a post - say anything you like whether it is sarcastic, complimentary or simply a request for something you would like to see. Anyone who has replied to any of my posts in 2012 will be eligible.
Not a requisite to win but I would certainly appreciate if you would spread the word about this as well as I am always looking to share with an even larger audience.
Following my birthday on September 20th I will feed all the entries into a random number generator and send out a message to the winner with a list of the figures you may choose from! Best of luck and thanks to all who enter.
James "TKKultist" Craig - LITW
Coming up - AMAZING NEW PRODUCT, Cooperative project, Warcaster paintjob, Rociante....
PS a special thanks to Dave Taylor, Frontline Gamer and any of my other friends who have been kind enough to draw attention to this contest and to this Blog through their own cool as heck pages.
Coming up - AMAZING NEW PRODUCT, Cooperative project, Warcaster paintjob, Rociante....
PS a special thanks to Dave Taylor, Frontline Gamer and any of my other friends who have been kind enough to draw attention to this contest and to this Blog through their own cool as heck pages.
Comment for comments sake :P
Congrats on your achievement mate, here's to 200 more!
Whole lot of views too!
I'm always happy to enter contests too- other than beauty contest or poisonous snake juggling contests or such. Not sure why but none of the pictures here showed up- just the broken image symbol.
Congrats on 200 posts and the great blog!
Hey ferret - dont know what the reason could be - I have tried on 3 computers at 2 locations and everything looks good from this end.
Also commenting for comment's sake. Congratulations on the milestone and happy birthday!
Grats on the 200 posts!!! I actually only found your blog today, so now I need to catch up on your back posts and see what's up, lol.
Firstly congratulations on reaching 200 posts, that's no mean feat! Any who I've posted a link to the competition for you on my Blog here:
I hope it brings you a few more viewers and readers.
Great stuff! Just found your blog and enjoying the articles.
Fantastic - some great articles here
Just found this blog due to a link for the competition, and immediately followed you (not just for a chance to win). Great blog!
some really interesting minis in your collection !
Got direct here from Frontline Gamer. What I've read so far has been great! Keep it up!
Congrats on the many posts and massive amounts of views.
First congrats on the milestone! Your gallery of minis are impressive. I specially like the bloodbowl team and the terrain your building for warmachine.
Likewise, arrived here through frontline.. Followed on RSS... Don't see the usual googke friend connect follower panel jobbie...
Anyway dunno how I didn't already know this was out here.. :)
Followed on Google Reader.
I would say a snarky "I'll follow anything for the chance at free stuff" but looking at that cabinet full of dry-brushed resin demons makes me think this one might be worthwhile.
Entertain me!
@Karitas - ill add a google friend connect button no problem.
@Mike - I will do my best to entertain and inform....and to give away free stuff..... and to add to that cabinet (not actually a current picture - i do actually have a few more since then ;P )
As to those who had some difficulty accessing the site today and yesterday - godaddy (my host) was hacked pretty bad and had some service issues as a result. In theory everything should be back on course now.
congratulations on reaching these lofty heights, sign me up for a chance at free stuff and a new blog to check out.
Like your display cases, just got one of them myself, although mine doesnt have any golden deamons in it..yet...
You might find this article interesting too:
Like your display cases, just got one of them myself, although mine doesnt have any golden deamons in it..yet...
You might find this article interesting too:
Congrats on the blog!
200 posts and I only just got around to actually following... fixed now though!
My being here is Dave Taylor's fault.
Am almost tempted to go and buy Nagash from GW and paint it as a Golden Demon entry. Too late for this year . . . but next, maybe?
Well done on getting to 200 posts, here's to 200 more!
Pretty cool blog. I'm subscribed thanks to Dave T. ;)
a great blog and work, also PICK ME!
Santa Cruz Warhammer
Followed on google reader. Love the knarloc conversion
Keep up the strong content.
Awesome blog!
Superb work - and well done hitting 200 posts!
[for some reason I can't see an option to follow on the blog, but I was able to do so from Reader - I'd recommend adding the Followers gadget]
I was pointed here by Frontline Gamer, and I must say I'm glad that I came!
Very impressive work, and grats on the blog milestone!
(p.s. as others have mentioned, there isn't a follow widget thingy on your blog, so I hope subscribing with Google works for the comp)
congrats still don't get the Nagash thing
Just come across your site and must say it is breath of fresh air on this otherwise dull day.
Congrats on your milestone.
Congrats on number 200! Great looking models. Also we have the same birthday.
Great looking blog! And the page views are shooting right up there :-)
I just discovered your blog through Dave Taylor's blog and spent ages reading through your old posts (far too long really considering the fact that I am supposed to be editing my thesis).
There's some really excellent painting on display here. I particularly like your beastmen and your Warmachine models. It's not a game I've tried but I'm certainly intrigued by the models.
I too discovered your blog via Dave Taylor's.
Really great stuff here! I feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole of mini painting awesomeness!
Discovered your blog from Dave Taylor. He talks about it all the time and I just never remember to come and check it out. Now I have. Thanks Dave and congratulations on 200.
Nice blog you got going on. I must admit I kinda like the Nagash model, despite it wonkiness, but strictly for nostalgic purposes.
Cool contest! Prize sounds rather exciting! ;)
Congrats for the 200 posts man. Cheers!
Just found your blog today (thanks to Drew). I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time going through your archives now. Keep up the great work!
I'm in!!!
Can't wait to see what you have to show us next!
200 posts is fantastic! Dave Taylor led me here. I like what I see and I have loads to look through now.
Grats on 200 posts, some nice work here
Dude great work so far! Here's hoping for another two hundred articles.
AWESOME! How come i never found your blog before? oh well at least I've got some nice reading material now.
Keep it going and congratulations!
Congrats on 200 posts! :)
Loving the display cabinets and those plastic drybrushed deamons of painting glory! :D
Woo! I commented! Yep, you read that right. Now I've entered your competition, I can forget about all the troubles, worries and stresses that have ever come to me! I'm going to live it up with the Hollywood hotshots, drink blood with Khorne, catch a ride on a train to the eye of terror, because now I've left a comment, it doesn't matter what people think of me anymore! BTW, congrats on 200 posts, make sure to congratulate me now I've reached 22!
Woo! I commented! Yep, you read that right. Now I've entered your competition, I can forget about all the troubles, worries and stresses that have ever come to me! I'm going to live it up with the Hollywood hotshots, drink blood with Khorne, catch a ride on a train to the eye of terror, because now I've left a comment, it doesn't matter what people think of me anymore! BTW, congrats on 200 posts, make sure to congratulate me now I've reached 22!
Congratz on the 275k+ followers.
Congratulations to reaching the 200 post - mark!
Congratulations on 200 posts and the great blog!
inspirational stuff!
Great Blog! Congrats on your 200 Posts!
Not sure why I wasn't following your blog earlier, James. I've obviously remedied that now…
Congrats on the milestone keep them coming :D
Congrats on getting to 200 posts James!
So ... umm, when's this contest going to be drawn exactly?
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