Saturday, July 21, 2007

Battles For The Nemesis Crown! The Lost HOH Tournament

Small GCN Logo

On Sunday July 14th 2007 The Lost (a proud first founding chapter of the Canadian Gaming Club Network) held a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament in support of this summer's worldwide campaign - The Nemesis Crown.  Each table had its own themed scenario based on locations found in the Nemesis Crown campaign suppliment including :

The Temple of Invidious Silence

Vragthar's Monolith

The Mines of Khrazi Drud

The Wytherglade

The Giant's Tump

The Sacking of Untergard

As you can see in the above picture - 2 time Canadian WFB Champion Frank Delanghe was one of our many competitors. We had players out from Ottawa, Toronto and everywhere in between. If you are ever looking for great tournaments that are tonnes of fun please check us out! Also you will find many more pictures of this Tournament in my EVENTS Gallery

Now as members of this Canadian Gaming Club Network - The Lost are making steps towwards taking an active role in guiding other clubs and organizations. We are also being given the opportunity to organize and run major national events here in our own region. Upcoming projects for us include several HOH tournaments, a Combat patrol Tournament and a Golden Goblin style Painting competition.  We are also starting to plan ahead for next Games Day Toronto - where you can be sure we will have a table :)

If you have any questions about this organization or upcoming events - please check out our club forums or contact me directly!

NEXT WEEK: I will be in Chicago for Games Day - But there will still be an update here - a special preview of my Games Day entry, a special announcement and a new sculpting product that Lost In The Warp is going to have for sale! So make sure to check back in! Following GD Chicago I will be posting tonnes of coverage - including pics of my own Top Secret project entry...... In the meantime here's a couple of teaser pics - the base of my entry!


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